IVF Training


The International School of Embryology was established to offer training for clinicians in advanced reproductive technologies. Our skill and precision to all aspirants helps them to know in depth knowledge and experience. The member of our teaching faculty aims to bring doctors and embryologist to the highest level of knowledge about reproductive techniques and practical capability in the field. Our courses cover basics in embryology, cryosciences and laser devices and aid continuity of care. The main objective of this training to update the scientific background about the latest technologies to all aspirants.

The Course also includes a one day Chennai City Tour.

CME – Continuous Medical Education

Eligibility Criteria for candidates who would like to join the course:

BSC, MSC or Any other life science background, BVSC, MVSC, MBBS, MD, MRCOG, FRCOG


Infertility history taking

Pre IVF&ICSI investigations

Various ovarian stimulation protocols (COHS)

Performing trans vaginal ultrasonography

Semen culture

Management of OHSS and oocyte retrieval (pick-up)

Patient examination

Patient selection criteria

Tailoring protocols as per patient needs

Follicular growth monitoring semen analysis

Adjuvant drugs used in ART

Frozen Embryo Transfer

Embryo donation